
Big Island Hog Farm
Address: 11-1854 Amakihi St. Mountain View, HI, 96771
Phone: 808-443-7496
About Us
Meet Marcel and Tyson Alfons of Big Island Hog Farm! Marcel started planting back in 2005 in Honokaa because she wanted to grow her own organic food to provide for her family. The produce quickly became more than enough so she started to give it away to neighbors and eventually selling her plant starts at yard sales.
A few years later they moved to Mountain View where they started their business, Big Island Hog Farm. They raise pigs to market size for the local market, to provide fresh, local food, and lessen the amount of pork imported from the US mainland.
Over time they added soil and compost to the land so they could start growing produce again. They now have a personal family garden, two greenhouses, and pots for plant starts. Big Island Hog Farm sells unique and specialty tomatoes on our market, along with a variety of plant starts including Mamaki, kalo/taro, bananas, rare peppers, and more.
Learn more about Big Island Hog Farm:
Instagram: @bigislandhogfarm
A few years later they moved to Mountain View where they started their business, Big Island Hog Farm. They raise pigs to market size for the local market, to provide fresh, local food, and lessen the amount of pork imported from the US mainland.
Over time they added soil and compost to the land so they could start growing produce again. They now have a personal family garden, two greenhouses, and pots for plant starts. Big Island Hog Farm sells unique and specialty tomatoes on our market, along with a variety of plant starts including Mamaki, kalo/taro, bananas, rare peppers, and more.
Learn more about Big Island Hog Farm:
Instagram: @bigislandhogfarm