
Tea Hawaii & Company
Contact: Eva Lee & Chiu Leong
Address: PO Box 362 Volcano, , 96785
Phone: 808-967-7637
About Us
The founders of Tea Hawaii & Company are husband and wife team Chiu Leong and Eva Lee. They came into tea from a cultural viewpoint, and created a tea estate within the temperate rainforest on the summit of Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano. Both Leong and Lee are involved daily in every aspect of the farm production of Hawaii grown fine tea from nursery propagating to marketing home grown tea. They advocate tea agriculture to help build an industry unique to Hawaii. In the belief that Hawaii has a significant role in furthering tea culture, collaboration with fellow growers, institutions and researchers has enabled Tea Hawaii & Company to express a new furtherance in world tea.
Contributing to solve climate changes through the cultivation of Camellia sinensis tea planted in the diverse micro climates of Hawaii.