

Hawai'i 'Ulu Co-op
Address: 79-1017 E Honalo Rd , ,
About Us
Hawai'i 'Ulu Co-op (HUC) is a farmer-owned business working to revitalize ‘ulu (breadfruit) as a viable crop and dietary staple by empowering farmers as change-makers in Hawai'i’s food system.

Formed in 2016 with 9 small, diversified growers on Hawai'i Island, HUC has grown to over 100 member-farms on three islands (Hawai'i Island, Maui, and O'ahu) and is now the foremost breadfruit farmer organization in Hawai'i. By working together, HUC farmers are able to offer consistent, high-quality 'ulu products that are delicious, versatile, local, healthy, accessible, and sustainable.

The co-op is committed to the revival of ?ulu to strengthen Hawai'i’s food security and to the value of malama 'aina – care or protection of the earth – by using environmentally responsible production methods.

Our vision is a thriving cooperative that sustains and uplifts producers, consumers, and society as a whole. Farmer owned, ‘aina grown—from our trees to your table